Project Background

You can shape the vision for Lake Forest Park’s public lakefront.

The Lake Forest Park Mayor and City Council have established improving public waterfront access as a high priority. This project was identified as a high priority in the City’s Parks, Recreation, Open Space and Trails (PROST) plan.

The City of Lake Forest Park has acquired 2 parcels, totaling 1.91-acres, on the shores of Lake Washington. This land is located near the Town Center, Burke-Gilman Trail, and adjacent to the scenic Lyon Creek Waterfront Preserve. As of now, the City lacks public water access, and this project aims to provide the community with active water recreation opportunities in a beautiful area.

This process will involve comprehensive planning, design, and construction to improve public access and enjoyment along the City-owned shores of Lake Washington. This effort includes a robust community engagement initiative to gather your valuable input on the character, vision, and design of the park.


Project Documents

Image Credits (from top to bottom):
Site aerial photo (banner image) by Facet

Context map by Facet

Site aerial photos by Facet