Welcome to the lakefront improvement project online open house website!
A new community space and park is coming to the city’s lakefront.
Project Update!
Find out what’s new at the lakefront park!
The winter 2025 project update has been posted! Visit the Project Updates page to see an update on project progress and to view new photos of the park.
Community Workshop 3: Interpretation, Identity and Placemaking
The third Community Workshop for the Lakefront Improvement Project was provided in both in-person and virtual formats.
In this workshop, attendees previewed illustrations of the design concept and were invited to share input and ideas to help shape the park’s identity.
The community survey for the third Community Workshop is now closed. The in-person meeting was held on Wednesday, October 16th at 5:30pm at City Hall. The meeting materials are available in PDF format in the project documents section.
Workshop #3 survey is open!
Take a visual tour and share your feedback.
Workshop 3 presents images illustrating the vision for Lake Forest Park’s public lakefront as well as statements about the park’s history and identity.
An in-person workshop will occur on Wednesday, October 16th, at City Hall. Join us in-person or view the content online, then share your thoughts and feedback with the survey below.
Save the date!
Community Workshop #3
The next community meeting will occur on October 16th, 2024. The design team will share illustrations of the design concept and the community will be invited to share input that will help shape the park's identity. The workshop will be held in Council Chambers at Lake Forest Park City Hall.
Phase 2 is underway!
The lakefront park is entering the next stage of design development.
With the preferred design selected, the city and consultant team are working to advance the conceptual plan into detailed design documents. The city is also actively pursuing grants and other funding to support the next stages of design and construction. Community engagement will continue throughout the next phase of the project. Stay tuned for upcoming events, meetings, and workshops coming soon!
Preferred design selected
See what’s envisioned for the lakefront park!
The Lake Forest Park City Council has approved the schematic design for the new lakefront park. The design was approved at the council meeting on June 13, 2024.
A narrative describing the design concept and vision is provided in the schematic plan report. You can view or download the Schematic Design Report at the link below.
Lakefront Improvement Project Schematic Design Report
Community Workshop 2: Design options
The community survey for the second Community Workshop is now closed. The in-person meeting was held on Wednesday, February 21 at 5:30pm at City Hall. The meeting materials and results from the online survey are available in PDF format in the project documents section.
The second Community Workshop for the Lakefront Improvements Project was provided in both in-person and virtual formats.
In this workshop, attendees previewed alternate park design concepts and select their favorites. Concepts were developed from community and other input received in the earlier project stages.
Save the date!
Community Workshop #2
The next community meeting will occur on February 21st, 2024. The design team will share design options for the new park. The workshop will be held in Council Chambers at Lake Forest Park City Hall.
Recent event!
Community Workshop #1
The first Community Workshop took place on Wednesday, October 25 at City Hall. To learn more about the workshop, visit the Community Workshop #1 Event Page.
The next community meeting is anticipated to occur in February 2024, when the design team will share design options for the new park. Check the website or sign up below to be notified when the meeting date is confirmed.
Stay Updated!
For more project information, sign up below to receive email updates.
Contact Us
Have a question or general feedback about the lakefront improvements project? Contact:
Cory Roche, Environmental and Sustainability Specialist, City of Lake Forest Park
17425 Ballinger Way NE
Lake Forest Park, WA 98155
(206) 368-5440
Image Credits (from top to bottom):
Lake Washington by Facet